sRF Staking
What is sRF?
RF is the staked version of RF, designed to distribute protocol revenue among stakers. 90% of the protocol’s revenue will be allocated to sRF stakers in real-time, while the remaining 10% will be retained as ReactorFusion's revenue.
Protocol revenue is generated through reserve factor fees from various pools, with higher-risk pools incurring higher fees. ReactorFusion operates a single sRF staking pool, where all rewards are distributed directly to sRF stakers.
Unstaking Delay
Unstaking requests are subject to a 24-hour delay. For example, if you stake and choose to unstake on May 10, 2024, you will be able to withdraw your tokens on May 11, 2024.
Rewards are distributed proportionally based on your share of the staked RF supply. (e.g., if you hold 100k sRF out of a total 1M sRF, you receive 10% of the rewards.)
sRF stakers receive 90% of protocol revenue, paid out in the same tokens collected from fees.
Last updated